The EUROPA SCLERAL contact lens is available in a 16mm and 18mm diameter lens. EUROPA SCLERAL lenses rest on the sclera and completely vault the cornea allowing it to hold a fluid reservoir.
The EUROPA SCLERAL is intended to be a 2nd generation JUPITER ESCLERAL™ lens that has been uniquely designed so that it is able to successfully fit a wide variety of corneal and scleral geometries. Multiple fitting sets are not necessary to fit oblate and prolate corneas, as is often the case with other available scleral lens designs.
The EUROPA SCLERAL contact lens is designed to manage mild to severe levels of corneal irregularity and ocular surface disease.
All lenses are plasma treated to ensure surface wetting.
The fitting philosophy of the EUROPA SCLERAL lens is to vault the cornea by 100 to 300 microns with the lens haptic aligning the sclera. A well fit lens should semi-seal to the eye without movement.
fill the lens with non-preserved saline and stain it with a fluorescein strip for diagnostic purposes.
Assess the amount of vault of the diagnostic lens by comparing the thickness of the stained reservoir with the thickness of the lens by turning the slit lamp beam at a 45-degree angle to view the lens/ reservoir/cornea in cross-section (Figure 1). Alternatively, you can use optical coherence tomography (OCT) to measure central corneal clearance. Ideally, the central reservoir thickness should be equal to the lens thickness. Scleral lenses settle by approximately 200 microns which will reduce overall vault to achieve an ideal amount of fluid reservoir.
Then choose another diagnostic lens – either steeper or flatter – until you achieve a vault that matches the lens thickness. It’s more efficient to choose additional diagnostic lenses in 2 to 4 dioptric steps when bracketing the lens fit.
Next, observe the lens fit with a diffuse cobalt light and Wratten filter. The lens should completely clear the cornea, including the limbus (Figure 2).
Use a diffuse white light to observe the haptic portion of the lens, which is resting on the sclera. The weight of the lens should be evenly distributed and should not blanch the blood vessels of the bulbar conjunctiva (Figure 3); however, intermittent areas of blanching are usually acceptable. Contact Visionary Optics’ consultation for assistance if the best diagnostic lens is inadequately fitting the eye.
The final step of the fitting process is to perform a sphere-cylindrical over-refraction to determine power.
Mylo is an individually crafted silicone hydrogel contact lens specifically designed for Myopia Management. It is powered by the Brien Holden Vision Institute’s patented Extended Depth of Focus (EDOF) technology, which slows myopia progression and supports a comfortable adaptation to the lens, enhancing the overall wearing experience. A monthly disposable contact lens, MYLO features high water content, low coefficient of friction and low elastic modulus, which combine to improve comfort throughout the day. Its wide range of parameters ensure an excellent fit, especially for the youngest contact lens wearers.
Gentle 80 is a bio-inspired hydrogel lens designed to imitate the natural properties of the cornea. Its material combines high water content, low dehydration, and the lowest modulus on the market (0.13 MPa) with oxygen transmissiblity that reaches silicone hydrogel levels (Dk = 60), achieving award-winning comfort and health.
Saphir representa una familia de lentes blandos mensuales y trimestrales fabricados individualmente con hidrogel de silicona, el material más avanzado del mercado, que maximiza el flujo de oxígeno al ojo. Su combinación única de comodidad, transpirabilidad y calidad de visión se adapta incluso al usuario de lentes de contacto más exigente.
Gentle 59 es un lente de hidrogel biomimética diseñada para imitar las propiedades naturales de la córnea. Su material combina una elevada lubricidad de la superficie (CoF = 0.05) con una baja deshidratación (<1%) para un confort excelente. Su módulo de elasticidad (0.36 Mpa) ha sido calibrado cuidadosamente para obtener una óptima manipulación y una excelente calidad visual durante todo el ciclo de vida del lente sin comprometer salud ni comodidad.
Blu:gen es un lente de contacto de hidrogel de silicona que combina un filtro UV de Clase 1 con un filtro selectivo de la luz azul para proteger el ojo en un 99% contra los rayos UVB, el 93% de los rayos UVA y el 14% de la luz azul-violeta nociva. El material cuenta con un alto contenido en agua y baja deshidratación, con el módulo de elasticidad más bajo (0.25 Mpa) entre todos los hidrogeles de silicona disponibles en el mercado. Todo esto ofrece a tus pacientes lentes saludables y cómodas para usar durante todo el día.
Blu:kidz es un lente de contacto de hidrogel de silicona que combina un filtro UV de Clase 1 con un filtro selectivo de la luz azul para proteger el ojo en un 99% contra los rayos UVB, el 93% de los rayos UVA y el 14% de la luz azul-violeta nociva. La gama de diámetros enfocada a los niños favorece su adaptación también en los ojos más pequeños, mientras que el tinte de manipulación verde, el alto contenido en agua y el material de baja deshidratación garantizan una mejor facilidad de uso y confort: perfecta para los nuevos usuarios.
Equilibria es la alternativa sin silicona, con excelentes propiedades de retención de agua y tensoras para los pacientes acostumbrados al reemplazo trimestral de los lentes de contacto.
Quattro nos permite corregir potencias esféricas, tóricas y multifocales en diferentes diámetros para aquellos pacientes acostumbrados al reemplazo anual.
Blu:ssentials es un lente de contacto de hidrogel de silicona que combina un filtro UV de Clase 1 con un filtro selectivo de la luz azul para proteger el ojo contra más del 99% de rayos UVB, el 93% de rayos UVA y el 14% de la luz azul-violeta nociva. Su gama seleccionada de parámetros ofrece a los pacientes con prescripciones estándar la protección contra la luz ultravioleta y la luz azul del sol y de la iluminación LED en ámbito doméstico, en los espacios públicos y de los dispositivos móviles.
Xtensa Rx es un lente de contacto de hidrogel desarrollado a partir del hidrogel convencional.
Se caracteriza por cilindros disponibles hasta -5.75D que añade una gama tórica personalizable a la gama de lentes moldeados.
Quattro nos permite corregir potencias esféricas, tóricas y multifocales en diferentes diámetros para aquellos pacientes acostumbrados al reemplazo anual.
Gentle 59 is a bio-inspired hydrogel lens designed to imitate the natural properties of the cornea. It combines high surface lubricity (CoF = 0.05) with low dehydration (< 1%) for excellent comfort, and its modulus (0.36 Mpa) has been carefully calibrated to achieve optimal handling and vision quality throughout the lens’ lifecyle, without reducing comfort or health.
Gentle 59 is a bio-inspired hydrogel lens designed to imitate the natural properties of the cornea. It combines high surface lubricity (CoF = 0.05) with low dehydration (< 1%) for excellent comfort, and its modulus (0.36 Mpa) has been carefully calibrated to achieve optimal handling and vision quality throughout the lens’ lifecyle, without reducing comfort or health.
Blu:gen is a silicone hydrogel lens, combining a Class 1 UV Filter with selective Blue Light Blocking to protect the eye from upwards of 99% of UVB, 93% of UVA, and 14% of harmful blue-violet light. Its high water content, low dehydration material featuring the lowest modulus of all silicone hydrogels on the market (0.25 Mpa) offers your patients a healthy, comfortable all-day wearing experience.
Blu:kidz is a silicone hydrogel lens, combining a Class 1 UV Filter with selective Blue Light Blocking to protect the eye from upwards of 99% of UVB, 93% of UVA, and 14% of harmful blue-violet light. Its child-friendly range of diameters makes it possible to fit even the smallest of eyes, whilst its green handling tint and high water content, low dehydration material provide improved handling and comfort-perfect for first-time contact lens wearers!
Saphir provides comfortable, healthy contact lens wear to patients accustomed to a 3-monthly lens replacement.
Equilibria provides a non-silicone option, featuring good water retention and tensile properties, for patients already accustomed to a 3-monthly lens replacement.
Quattro provides spherical, toric and multifocal correction in multiple diameters for patients already accustomed to a 3-monthly lens replacement.
Blu:ssentials is a silicone hydrogel lens, combining a Class 1 UV Filter with selective Blue Light Blocking to protect the eye from upwards of 99% of UVB, 93% of UVA, and 14% of harmful blue-violet light. Its select range of parameters offers patients with standard prescriptions protection from UV and blue light originating from the sun, ambient LED lighting at home and in public spaces, and mobile devices.
Quattro provides spherical, toric and multifocal correction in multiple diameters for patients already accustomed to a 1-year lens replacement.
Saphir RX is a silicone hydrogel lens, featuring a comfortable high water content, low dehydration material with a highly lubricious surface (CoF= 0.02).
Its low modulus (0.33 Mpa) adds to the comfort of the lens whilst ensuring vision quality and easy handling throughout the lens’ life cycle.
Gentle 80 es un lente de hidrogel biomimético diseñado para imitar las propiedades naturales de la córnea. Su material combina un alto contenido en agua, una baja deshidratación y el módulo de elasticidad más bajo del mercado (0.13 MPa), así como una transmisibilidad al oxígeno que alcanza los niveles del hidrogel de silicona (Dk = 60), para lograr una comodidad y salud visual inigualables.